Tuesday, June 8, 2010


  • When I cut things out of my writing it's often because it's not the right place for it. It's a bit of "telling" that slows things down so I chop it and put it in a file called "Edits."
  • Later, I'll go back to this file, rescue a few gems. I've learned that sometimes I can get these bits in at the beginning of chapters when the action hasn't ramped up yet, when the reader might be wanting something a little different, something to ponder before the scene kicks in.
  • I like these bits because they're different, not so forward-marching. I like the background they provide or the humour. I like the colour and shine of them. I'm hoping the novel will be stronger for having them in there.

1 comment:

Julie Paul said...

Someone who used to be in my other writing group called it her "bit book." Never throw anything away!