Saturday, June 26, 2010

St. Peter's Abbey in Saskatchewan

Writers often crave quiet time to write. I've had the pleasure of staying at St. Peter's Abbey near Muenster, Sasketchewan several times. This photo was taken in 2006 when Kari and I were both working on manuscripts. That's me on the far right, white shirt and skirt, and Kari in red shirt, brown slacks. In the background are the beautiful paintings of one of the participants of the Writers and Artists' Colony. You can click on the photo and see an enlarged version.

1 comment:

Kari Jones said...

Remembering St. Peter's Abbey makes me think about the spaciousness of time. Right now time seems constrained, like it's living in a room with small walls, whereas at the Abbey it lives in the praries: no walls, only endless space to expand.