Thursday, May 13, 2010

rituals for writers

Sometimes getting down to writing is the hardest part, even when I've managed to wrangle life into clearing a whole day for writing. Even then, sometimes I find myself doing laundry and washing the dishes instead of sitting down. So I've developed some rituals. Little ones, that don't take much time. I put the kettle on for tea, and make sure the living room is tidy and the coffee table is clear. Then I bring my computer out of the office and plug it in to the plug next to the table and find myself a cozy blanket. Then I make the tea and grab the phone so I won't have to get up if it rings, and I settle down on the sofa with a blanket across my lap and the computer on top of that and a cup of tea on the table. Somehow all that makes me ready.

1 comment:

Laurie Elmquist, author said...

Ah rituals! The dog and I have our "sun spots" in the house. One of them is at the top of the stairs where the sun streams in around 4 o'clock. I grab my computer and sit on the top step (carpeted) and he lies out a step one or two below. I do squint a bit to see the screen, but for me it's worth it. It's worth it to feel that warm sun as I write. Harley and I also have a sun spot in the kitchen and the living room, so we roam about the house searching out these spots at different times of the day.